
Your Account page to manage your Profile, API access, reach support, and more.

You can access your Blocknative Account page using the dropdown menu through your Profile Icon on Mempool Explorer as shown below or by navigating to

If you don't have a Blocknative Account, you can create one by going to and following the instructions after clicking the "Sign up" button.

Profile Overview

Once you're on your Account page, you'll notice you have Profile controls on the left side Profile Overview section. Here you can see your Account Plan, the name and email you registered your account under, and current password. You can also click the "Manage Billing" link to manage credit card based billing. While your current password is hidden for security purposes, you can change it by clicking the "Change Password" link next to it.


You can find two buttons below the Profile Overview section for Support options. You can use the Email Support button to send an email, or Join Discord button to join our discord and have live chat with our team and community. We suggest using discord for fastest response times, but our team always responds to support emails as well.

My Usage

You can view your daily usage for different types of Blocknative events you consume in this section. Other than watched addresses, your event limits reset at midnight UTC everyday according to your Blocknative Plan. You can view the number of Daily Events you have consumed, Total Watched Addresses, and Simulated Transactions in this section with usage percentages below.

API Keys

You can manage your API keys through the My API Keys section on the body of your account page. Blocknative provides your account with an API Key by default. You can create additional API Keys using the New API Key button at the top right corner. You can read the docs on the API Page for additional detail on how to use your API Keys.

Controls and Options

You have a few options available to help you manage your API Keys and access different features:

Edit Name and Delete

These controls can be found on the three dot menu next to the name of the API Key. They allow you to edit the name of that API Key or delete the API Key. Deleted API keys will be removed from your dashboard and will no longer function.

View webhook

Your added webhook destination will display below its attached API Key with the network it's monitoring (i.e. ethereum main). You can use the delete control on the left to delete this webhook, or the Watch address option on the right to add addresses to watch.

Export Configuration

The Export Configuration link on the top right of an API Key will allow you to download the configuration files saved to an API Key through Mempool Explorer, such as the addresses and transaction hashes being watched and all of the filters attached. You can then use these files to pass your configuration to Blocknative SDK. You can learn more on that on the SDK Docs.

Restrict Origins

The Restrict Origins link on the bottom right of an API Key will allow you to enable an advanced feature to restrict the websocket connection origins to specific URLs, up to a maximum of 10. This feature is only recommended for enabling an additional security control on the usage of an API Key.

Secret Key

You can add a Secret Key to your API key by using the three dot menu next to the name of your API key. Secret Keys let you programmatically alter the configuration(s) saved to your API key via REST endpoints. Secret Keys are only shown once upon generation - if you lose your key you must remove it and add a new one. You can use the same menu to remove your Secret Key.

Mempool Explorer

You can navigate back to Mempool Explorer by clicking the Mempool Explorer button at the top of your screen, or from the dropdown menu on your profile on the top right.

Logging out

You can logout of your account by clicking Logout from the dropdown menu on your profile on the top right. This will log out of your account and land you on the account page with the Welcome modal displayed for logging in or signing up.

Last updated