Release Notes
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Fixes and Enhancements:
New Filter button: You can now get to the filter panel and edit existing filters with the bottom right filter button
Matches Badge: When a filter is on, you can see matches in the mempool or blocks with the new "match" badge in blue.
Private Transaction Badge: Private transactions now have a clear "Private" badge in the transaction column
Various bug fixes to improve UI/UX and performance.
ZKSync Batches Rollup Tab
Real-time transaction stream and charts: Mempool stream and mempool charts now update in real-time rather than with batched updates.
New Block Space Utilized Visual: Added graphs that show the percent of block space utilized and blob space utilized in the block.
Fixes and Enhancements:
Gas Used Filter: Updated the "gas" filter to be based on Gas Used instead of Gas Limit.
Various bug fixes to improve UI/UX and performance.
New Gas Tile: In the mempool summary view, you can now see the next block gas estimation.
New Mempool Gas Chart: In the mempool summary view, you can now see new incoming transactions broken down by marketable, underpriced, or blocked.
New Pending Gas Chart: In the mempool summary view, you can now see the pending transactions ordered by gas price and colored by the probability of inclusion into the next block.
New Block Gas Chart: In each block's view, you can now see transactions by gas price in the block ordered by index. Transactions are also colored dark blue for private, light blue for public. Hover over a bar to see the transaction and click to go to that specific transaction within the block.
New Stuck Transaction Detection: Pending transactions now show whether they are marketable (eligible for inclusion in the next block), underpriced (max fee is less than base fee so not eligible for inclusion), or blocked (nonce is too high compared to the last executed nonce of that "from" address).
Fixes and Enhancements:
Small bug fixes to mobile UX.
Updated Mobile UX: New and improved mobile user experience for Ethernow. This includes new mobile filtering, site navigation, transaction lists, and more.
Fixes and Enhancements:
Small bug fixes improving Ethernow performance.
Copy full JSON Payload: The JSON tab has a new "copy" button allowing you to easily copy the full json payload .
Filter Application UX: Filters are now highlighted when they are actively being applied.
Fixes and Enhancements:
Improved filter panel functionality: Several adjustments to the filter panel for improved UX. For example, double clicking on the saved filter pill will now bring up the edit filter panel, a "new filter" button was added for simple creation of new filters, and the "edit filter" will only appear when you are on a saved filter.
Small bug fixes improving Ethernow performance.
Transaction Detection: Implemented new functionality for improved detection of stuck transactions and marketable mempool transactions.
Automatic Method Name Labeling: Added automatic labeling of method names for enhanced readability and usability.
Fixes and Enhancements:
Small bug fixes and enhancements to improve usability and functionality.
Fixes and Enhancements:
Email Login Fix: Fixed bug for users logging in to Ethernow with email.
Increased Address Labeling: Added address labeling via to increase readability of Ethernow.
New Featured Address: Added Arbitrum to the featured address list.
New Optimistic L2 Addresses: Added Blast, Kroma, Mode, and Zora labeling in the Ethernow Transaction Explorer.
Fixes and Enhancements:
Watermark: Added watermark to Ethernow homepage.
Address Filtering Description: Added descriptions in the address filter for 'includes', 'to', and 'from'.
Updated Navigation: Updated link for Mempool Data Archive to Data Archive to encompass both the Mempool Archive as well as the new Blob Archive.
And numerous other bug fixes and enhancements.
New Address Filtering Capabilities: New dropdown within the address input field for more specific filtering.
Updated Blob Gas Fees: Created a separate section for blob fees and added UX elements for simpler understanding of fees
Fixes and Enhancements:
Optimistic L2 Transactions Tile: Zora, Mode, Kroma and Blast are now included in the transaction count for the Optimistic L2 Transactions tile on the Ethernow homepage.
New Block Selection Autoscroll: When selecting a new block after previously selecting a transaction, the block will load to the top of the list.
Updated Rollup Pagination: Improved pagination for faster decoding.
Type-3 transaction refinement: Improved how type-3 transactions are displayed
Blocklist refresh fix: Transactions now update to match cleared filter.
Sepolia Support: The Ethernow Transaction Explorer is now accessible on the Sepolia testnet. To access go to
Blob Discount Tile: You can now see the percentage difference in total transaction cost between posting as blob data versus calldata.
Block Summary Tab Update: Now shows the number of blobs, the blob gas used, and the blob bas fee.
Transaction Details Tab Update: Now shows a breakdown of the gas fees and gas costs.
Blob Tab Update: Improved UX showing the full breakdown of the total tansaction cost for a type-3 transaction and the hypothetical total transaction cost as calldata for comparison.
Arbitrum Batch Decoding: Easily view decoded Arbitrum batches.
Fixes & Enhancements:
UX Improvements: Updated the labeling for blockbuilders and L2s.
Bug Fixes: Enhanced the data integrity between the home page and the transaction explorer.
Features (video overview):
Builder Address Labeling: There is now automatic decoding of major block builders.
Rollup Address Labeling: There is now automatic decoding of major rollup addresses.
Fixes & Enhancements:
Home Page Refinements: Updated the defi swap tile link and changed blob base fee to display to WEI.
Blob Decoding: Fixed optimistic blob decoding.
Home Page EIP-4844 Support: Added new summary tiles for blobs.
New Blobs Tab: EIP-4844/blob transactions have a blob tab providing further details on the transaction.
Base Rollup Decoding: Easily view decoded Base rollups.
Fixes & Enhancements:
Enhanced Rollup Tab: Rollup tab will work for both calldata
and blobs.
Eigenlayer Added to Featured Addresses: Easily view what is happening with Eigenlayer.
Tool Tip Refinement: Improved tool tip UX on the Etherenow home page.
New Home Page: New visual and tiled summary of what is happening in the Ethereum Mempool.
Updated Filter Panel: Updated UX for filters.
Marketable Transactions Toggle: New view to see the number of recent transactions in the mempool priced to be included in the next block.
Private Transactions Only Checkbox: Filter for only private transactions by checking a box.
4-Byte Signature Filter: Added filter for contract methodName
Event Signature Filter: Added filter for log topic0
Type-3 filtering: Added in type 3 / 4844 / Dencun ready filtering.
Features (video overview):
Sharable Filters: Saved filters now have unique URLs so that you can share them with your community.
Transactions Since Genesis: You can now access comprehensive on-chain transaction data back to Ethereum Genesis.
Address Labeling: Automatic decoding of over 31 new addresses and method signatures.
Fixes and Enhancements:
Enhanced Optimism Bridge Call Decoding: Contract calls made to the Optimism bridge are now decoded.
Naming Update: 'My Searches' is now 'My Filters' for added clarity.
Refined Navigation: Green 'Newer Blocks' count bar now brings you to the top of the chain via a click.
Persistent Filters on Refresh: Unsaved filters will now persist even after a refresh. For long term usage, save them to your account.
Improved Filter Application: Refined block and transaction selections when applying and clearing filters for improved UI.
UX Improvements: Improved routing to a more friendly 404 page, filter use and data consistency, and error messaging.
Features (video overview):
Rollups: Easily view decoded Optimism rollups.
Private Transaction Labeling: Visualize private transactions and identify bundle patterns within a block with the new block view labelling feature.
Empty Block Indication: Empty blocks are now labeled for better visibility.
V1 Mobile Support: Ethernow can now be accessed on mobile devices. For full functionality we recommend using the desktop version of Ethernow.
Fixes and Enhancements:
Multi-Tab Login/Logout: Logins and logouts are now seamlessly synced across multiple tabs for a more secure experience.
UI Refinements: Added margin to prevent overlap with the feedback button and gas chart.
Updated Field Naming: Replaced references of ‘created by’ to ‘from’.
Features (video overview):
Private Transaction Filtering: View private transactions as they appear on-chain with a simple click of a button. With the dedicated Private Transactions filter, view will be updated to only display the private transactions in each block as well as their relative ordering within the block.
Instant Access to the Mempool Data Archive: Removal of API key for streamlined access to the Blocknative Mempool Historical Archive.
Block Highlighting: Easily spot blocks that match inputted criteria.
Saved Filters: Unsaved filters will stay put until fully logged in and ready to save.
Fixes and Enhancements:
Maintained Block Position: Current position in the block feed remains when switching from block view to live mempool view.
Removal of Phantom Matching Transaction Blocks: Fixed issue of seeing 0 matching transaction blocks when no filter is applied.
Improved Saved Searches: Rename tabs and refresh saved searches without any unexpected tabs jumps or surprises.
Clarity in Gas Calculation: Renamed "estimated gas needed" to "base fee" for better clarity.
Enhanced Pending Event Display: Reorganized the display of pending events to make it more intuitive for the user in the transaction journey.