Base Fee Prediction API

Gas price trends for the next 5 blocks.

Predictions are made for the next 5 blocks at a 99% confidence level (highest inclusion guarantee at the expense of some overpayment) and 50% confidence level (likely inclusion with reduced overpayment).


Use of this endpoint requires an API key for proper authorization. Request an API key here.

API Endpoint


Returns a range of confidence intervals for gas prices needed to qualify a transaction for inclusion in the next block. Order of confidence intervals is subject to change.


Each payload contains header fields followed by base fee predictions for the next 5 blocks after the current pending block.

Header Fields

Field NameDescription


Type of chain (EVM = “ethereum”)


Name of network (chain id 1 = “main”)


Type of unit for fee values (currently all fee values are in gwei)


Block number at time of prediction


Time, in milliseconds, since last block (i.e. how far into slot time)


Base fee for current pending block


Blob base fee for current pending block


Future pending block estimates (see below)

Estimate Fields

Field NameDescription


Future pending block for the estimate (current n = 1…5). This is the pending block after the current pending block. The base fee and blob base fee for the current pending block is already fixed and included in the header.


Indicates how likely predictions are to being greater than or equal to the actual base fee or blob base fee for that future block number. For example the 99% confidence level attempts to make a prediction that is greater than or equal to the actual base fees 99% of the time, while minimizing the gap between the prediction and actual fee. And the 50% confidence level attempts to make a prediction that is greater than or equal to the actual base fees 50% of the time, while minimizing the gap between the prediction and actual fee. Therefore, the 99% confidence level will always make a prediction that is higher than the 50% confidence level in order to achieve its 99% confidence.


The estimated base fee at the specified confidence level for the specified future pending block.


The estimated blob base fee at the specified confidence level for the specified future pending block.

Example Request

curl -H "X-Api-Key: <api-key>" "<>"

Example Response

The response payload contains the predictions for the base fee and blob base fee for the current pending block + X where X can be 1 through 5.

    "system": "ethereum",
    "network": "main",
    "unit": "gwei",
    "currentBlockNumber": 19577777,
    "msSinceLastBlock": 6672,
    "baseFeePerGas": 31.004192998,
    "blobBaseFeePerGas": 0.028263001,
    "estimatedBaseFees": [
            "pending+1": [
                    "confidence": 99,
                    "baseFee": 34.75,
                    "blobBaseFee": 0.031795876
                    "confidence": 50,
                    "baseFee": 30.74,
                    "blobBaseFee": 0.031795876
            "pending+2": [
                    "confidence": 99,
                    "baseFee": 34.7,
                    "blobBaseFee": 0.035770362
                    "confidence": 50,
                    "baseFee": 30.36,
                    "blobBaseFee": 0.035770362
            "pending+3": [
                    "confidence": 99,
                    "baseFee": 35.28,
                    "blobBaseFee": 0.040241657
                    "confidence": 50,
                    "baseFee": 30.35,
                    "blobBaseFee": 0.040241657
            "pending+4": [
                    "confidence": 99,
                    "baseFee": 36.25,
                    "blobBaseFee": 0.045271865
                    "confidence": 50,
                    "baseFee": 30.55,
                    "blobBaseFee": 0.045271865
            "pending+5": [
                    "confidence": 99,
                    "baseFee": 37.09,
                    "blobBaseFee": 0.050930849
                    "confidence": 50,
                    "baseFee": 30.48,
                    "blobBaseFee": 0.050930849

In the above example response, you receive the system (Ethereum), network (main), unit (gwei), current block number, time since last block (ms), base fee (gwei), and blob base fee (gwei) as well as the estimated base fee predictions (over the next 5 blocks after the current pending block) for the base fee and the blob base fee at a 99% confidence level and 50% confidence level.


If you have any questions, please reach out to Blocknative.

Last updated