Mempool API

Connect to Blocknative transaction monitoring services directly with webhooks


This documentation describes how to connect to and use Blocknative's transaction monitoring service using webhooks. The service delivers near real time notifications of Ethereum transaction state changes via POSTs to your URL (webhook). Each state change is a JSON payload with all the transaction details.

To use our API with web sockets, please see the SDK.

API usage has rate limits. Please see Rate Limits for more details.

Getting Started

Setup API Key

  1. Create a Blocknative account by clicking the Sign up button on Mempool Explorer and following the instructions. Account creation requires email confirmation to complete.

  2. Blocknative will create a Default API key for your account that you can use. You can create additional API keys from your account page on by clicking the Add new API key button to the upper right.

  3. Secret keys additionally are available to be generated for API keys which allow secure usage of configuration modification endpoints.

Setup Webhook

Create a new webhook for an API key by clicking the "Add a Webhook" button to the right of the API key. This will reveal a form to enter the webhook specifics: URL, blockchain (currently Ethereum and Bitcoin are supported), and network. See below for Supported Networks. You can optionally include a username and password if your webhook used basic authentication.

We support Slack webhooks. If you want to create a Discord webhook, append /slack to the end of the Discord URL to use its Slack compatibility mode.

Slack webhooks must begin with Discord webhooks must begin with

Slack and Discord limit the size of messages so notifications involving large contract inputs may be abbreviated. Normal, i.e. not Slack/Discord, webhooks are not abbreviated.

Add Address to Watch

Add an address to watch by clicking the Watch Address button and entering the address.

Ethereum addresses begin with a 0x followed by 40 characters (hexadecimal). Any valid Ethereum address can be used, including external accounts and smart contracts. The following Bitcoin addresses are valid:

To stop notifications for an address, use the View Address button next to Add webhook, and click the Delete icon next to the address you'd like to stop watching.

It is safe to add the same address multiple times or to unwatch addresses not being watched.


No authentication is currently required to facilitate testing, apart from configuration modification endpoints. Basic auth (username/password) is supported and recommended for production use, and we are adding additional authentication methods based on customer requirements. We recommend HTTPS requests but also offer support for HTTP.

Secret keys

Secret keys are available to be generated per API key, which can be used to access these endpoints:

These end points require a 'credentials' header which takes the API key and associated secret key in one variable in the form "apiKey:secretKey".

Example: 9ed49579-a78b-4c82-b796-6db3aded6ed2:67ed12d1-f0ab-4f18-812c-58356684728b


See how to setup a Slack webhook in this screencast:


Add transaction to watch


Use the Blocknative endpoint to


individual transaction hashes to watch for state changes (mempool and chain confirmation). For each transaction, specify your API key, the transaction




to watch, the transaction's blockchain (currently




are supported), and the network to watch (see supported networks below).

Request Body

    "msg": "success"

apiKey is the API Key created from Setup API Key step above. hash is the transaction hash to watch. (ethereum only) blockchain is the blockchain system to monitor. ethereum is supported at this time. network is the Blockchain network to monitor for the specified transaction hash. See below for Supported Networks.

Example curl call:


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"apiKey":"<api-key>","hash":"<transaction-hash>","blockchain":"ethereum","network": "main"}' 

Remove transaction to watch


Use the Blocknative endpoint to DELETE individual transaction hashes that you are currently watching. For each transaction, specify your API key, the transaction hash or txid to watch, the transaction's blockchain (currently ethereum and bitcoin are supported), and the network to watch (see supported networks below).

Request Body

    // Response

Add address to watch


Use the Blocknative endpoint to


individual addresses to watch for transactions. For each address, specify your API key, the address to watch, the blockchain (currently Ethereum and Bitcoin are supported), and the networks to watch (see supported networks below).


Request Body

    "msg": "success"

apiKey is the API Key created from Setup API Key step above. address is the external account address to watch. blockchain is the blockchain system to monitor. ethereum is supported at this time. networks is an array containing 1 or more networks to monitor for the specific address. See below for Supported Networks.

Example curl call:


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"apiKey":"<api-key>","address":"<account-address>","blockchain":"ethereum","networks":["main"]}' 

This endpoint will return success if the specified address on the specified network(s) are already being watched for the apikey.

Remove address to watch


Use the Blocknative endpoint to


individual addresses from watching for transactions. For each address, specify your API key, the address to remove, the blockchain (currently




are supported), and the networks to remove from watch (see supported networks below).

Request Body

    "msg": "success"

apiKey is the API Key created from Setup API Key step above. address is the external account address to remove from watching. blockchain is the blockchain for the address. ethereum is supported at this time. networks is an array containing 1 or more networks to remove monitoring for the specific address. See below for Supported Networks.

Example curl call:


curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"apiKey":"<api-key>","address":"<account-address>","blockchain":"ethereum","networks":["main"]}' 

This endpoint will return success if the specified address on the specified network(s) was not being watched for the apikey.

List of watched addresses


Use this endpoint to access the watched addresses for your API key. Include your API key and the appropriate blockchain (currently




are supported) and network. See below for Supported Networks.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    "total": 0, // total number of watched addresses
    "page": 1, // current page number of watched addresses
    "pageSize": 1000, // maximum size of current page
    "items": [] // array of watched address strings

Required elements of the API request path

your-api-key is the API Key created from Setup API Key step above. blockchain is the blockchain for the watched addresses you want to retrieve. ethereum is supported. network is the network for the watched addresses you want to retrieve. See below for Supported Networks.

Optional query string parameters for large lists

page is the page number, of multiple pages, you want to retrieve. Use the total value in the API response along with the size parameter to iterate over all the pages of watched addresses. size is the length of a page of results. The default size is 100 items per page. The maximum size is 1000 items per page. order is the sort of the retrieved items according to when they were added to the list (via POST described earlier). The sort order must be either asc (oldest - newest) or desc (newest to oldest). Default is asc.

API requests are rate limited. Use larger page sizes for larger lists in order to get all items.

List of watched transactions


Use this endpoint to access the watched transactions for your API key. Include your API key and the appropriate blockchain (currently




are supported) and network. See below for Supported Networks.

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    "total": 0, // total number of watched transactions
    "page": 1, // current page number of watched transactions
    "pageSize": 1000, // maximum size of current page
    "items": [] // array of watched transaction hash/id strings

Required elements of the API request path

your-api-key is the API Key created from Setup API Key step above. blockchain is the blockchain for the watched transactions you want to retrieve. ethereum is supported. network is the network for the watched transactions you want to retrieve. See below for Supported Networks.

Optional query string parameters for large lists

page is the page number, of multiple pages, you want to retrieve. Use the total value in the API response along with the size parameter to iterate over all the pages of watched transactions. size is the length of a page of results. The default size is 100 items per page. The maximum size is 1000 items per page. order is the sort of the retrieved items according to when they were added to the list (via POST described earlier). The sort order must be either asc (oldest - newest) or desc (newest to oldest). Default is asc.

API requests are rate limited. Use larger page sizes for larger lists in order to get all items.

Get all configuration scopes


Use this endpoint to access all of the configuration scopes given on an API key. Include the appropriate blockchain and network, for which supported networks are listed below. Include your API key and it's associated secret key in a "credentials" header via the formatting "apiKey:secretKey". Your secret key can be set via your Accounts page where your keys are listed.

Path Parameters



Get configuration in specific scope


Use this endpoint to access the full config deployed at a specific blockchain, network, API key and scope. Include the appropriate blockchain and network, for which supported networks are listed below. Include your API key and it's associated secret key in a "credentials" header via the formatting "apiKey:secretKey". Your secret key can be set via your Accounts page where your keys are listed.

Path Parameters


    "configName": "example config name",
    "fields": [
        "example field"
    "filters": [
            "status": "example"
    "abi": []

Add a configuration


Use this endpoint to add configurations to certain API keys at certain blockchains and networks. Include your API key and it's associated secret key in a "credentials" header via the formatting "apiKey:secretKey".



Configurations can be exported from Mempool Explorer as specified here (

Path Parameters


Request Body

    "msg": "ok"

There is a limit of 50 configurations per API key. If you need to watch more than 50 addresses and also filter them, it is recommended that you subscribe to all of the addresses and then use a 'global' scoped filter that will apply to all of those addresses.

Websocket configuration example

    "configName": "Limiting my public BN API key",
    "allowedOrigins": ["", ""],
    "ipNotificationRatelimit": 250,
    "ipNotificationRatelimitWindow": 1,
    "ipPendingSimulationRatelimit": 50,
    "ipPendingSimulationRatelimitWindow": 1

Global configuration example

    "configName": "Global config example",
    "fields": ["example field"],
    "filters": [{"status": "pending"}]

Address configuration example

    "configName": "Example address config",
    "fields": ["example field"],
    "filters": [{"status": "pending"}],
    "abi" : []

Delete a configuration


Using this endpoint, you can clear a configuration set at a certain API key for a blockchain, network and scope. Include your API key and it's associated secret key in a "credentials" header in the form "apiKey:secretKey".

Path Parameters


    "msg": "ok"

Ethereum Notifications

Transaction state changes are POSTed to your custom URL (webhook) with a JSON payload containing the transaction details. The contents of the payload depends on the type of transactions.

Base Payload

The following fields are included in every transaction notification and are captured directly from the mempool or block data. Fields are not ordered.

  "from": String,
  "to": String,
  "nonce": Number,
  "gas": Number,
  "gasPrice": String,
  "gasPriceGwei": Number,
  "gasUsed": Number, present only when the tx is on-chain,
  "baseFeePerGas": String,
  "baseFeePerGasGwei": Number,
  "maxPriorityFeePerGas": String,
  "maxPriorityFeePerGasGwei": Number,
  "maxFeePerGas" String,
  "maxFeePerGasGwei" Number,
  "type": Number,
  "value": String,
  "hash": String,
  "input": String,
  "v": String,
  "r": String,
  "s": String,
  "blockHash": String, or null when status is 'pending',
  "blockNumber": String, or null when status is 'pending',
  "estimatedBlocksUntilConfirmed": Number, or null for estimates of 1-5

Gas Details

Notifications include gas price information depending on the type of the transaction.

For an in-depth look at how EIP-1559 transactions are priced, see:

A Definitive Guide to Ethereum EIP-1559 Gas Fee Calculations

Type 2 (EIP-1559) Transactions

Type 0 (Pre-EIP-1559) Transactions

Metadata Payload

In addition to the transaction details provided from the mempool or block, the JSON payload is augmented with the following field. Fields are not ordered.

  "system": String,
  "network": String,
  "status": Status,
  "apiKey": String,
  "monitorVersion": String,
  "monitorId": String,
  "serverVersion": String,
  "timeStamp": String, // the UTC time of first detection of current status
  "pendingTimeStamp": String // ISO UTC time of initial pending status detection
  "pendingBlockNumber": Number // the chain head block number at time of pending detection
  "transactionIndex": Number, // optional, present if status confirmed, failed
  "blockTimeStamp": String, // optional, present if status confirmed, failed - UTC time of miner block creation
  "timePending": String, // optional, present if status confirmed, failed, speedup, cancel. "-1" if first detectiong is on-chain.
  "blocksPending": Number, // optional, present if status confirmed, failed, speedup, cancel
  "asset": String, // optional, present if direct transfer of ETH or ERC20
  "direction": String, // optional, present in payloads with a `watchedAddress` param
  "counterparty": String, // optional, present in payloads with a `watchedAddress` param
  "watchedAddress": String, // optional, present when payload triggered by activity related to a watched address
  "replaceHash": String, // optional, present if status is speedup or cancel
  "failureReason": String, // optional, present if status is failed

Decoded Contract Payload

For some contract calls, Blocknative decodes the input field of the transaction to interpret details of the contract method call. Fields are not ordered.

  "contractCall": {
    "contractType": String,
    "contractAddress": String,
    "methodName": String,
    "params": {
      // key value pairs specific to the contract method
    "contractName": String,
    "contractDecimals": Number (optional),
    "decimalValue": String (optional),

Blocknative currently supports decoding of the following contracts and regularly adds more:

  • Uniswap v3 (Mainnet and Matic)

  • Uniswap Universal Router (Mainnet and Matic)

  • Uniswap v2 (Routing and Factory - Mainnet and Matic)

  • Uniswap v1 (Mainnet and Matic)

  • Sushiswap Router

  • 0x Protocol v2.1

  • 0x Protocol v3

  • Curve.Fi (All pools shown here)

  • Synthetix ExchangeRates

  • Synthetix Proxy

  • MakerDAO

  • Rebalancing Set Exchange Issuance v2

  • Set Protocol

  • Abridged

  • Pillar Badge

  • rToken

  • 1inch Exchange V1

  • 1inch Exchange V2

  • 1inch Exchange V3

  • Aave: Lending Pool V2

  • Aave Flashloans

  • OpenSea

  • Balancer (BFactory, BPool, Distribution and Exchange Proxy 2)

  • Honeyswap Router (Gnosis Chain)

  • Sushiswap V2 Factory

  • DIGG Orchestrator

  • Quickswap Router & Factory (Matic)

  • Aave Lending Pool (Matic)

  • Aavegotchi: Opensea (Matic)

  • ERC 4337 EntryPoints

Along with supported Ethereum token protocols:

  • ERC-20

  • ERC-721

  • ERC-165

  • ERC-777

  • ERC-1820

Internal Transactions Payload

Blocknative will send confirmednotifications when a watchedAddress is detected in the internal transactions of a contract call. In this case, the confirmed notification will include details of the internal transactions and balance changes resulting from those internal transactions. Fields are not ordered.

"internalTransactions": [],
"netBalanceChanges": Object

The internalTransactions array contains details on each internal transaction executed by the contract call of the parent (main) transaction. Fields are not ordered.

"internalTransactions": [
    "type": String,
    "from": String,
    "to": String,
    "input": String,
    "gas": Number,
    "gasUsed": Number,
    "value": String,
    "contractCall": Object (optional, contains an additional param 'contractAlias' which will be the symbol of the token if this is an erc20 transfer or transferFrom)

The netBalanceChanges object contains details of all the balance changes resulting from the internal transactions details in the internalTransactions array. The object is an array with an entry for each address involved in the internal transactions.

"netBalanceChanges": [
    "address": String,
    "balanceChanges": [
        "delta": String,
        "asset": {
          "contractAddress": String
          "symbol": String,
          "type": String
        "breakdown": [
            "amount": String,
            "counterparty": String

Simulated Pending Payload

Blocknative will send pending-simulationnotifications when a watchedAddress is detected in the from or to field of the main transaction or internal transactions of a contract call. The notification will include details of the internal transactions and balance changes resulting from those internal transactions. The internal transaction details and balance changes are probabilistic based on simulating the transaction against the latest confirmed block. Fields are not ordered.

pending-simulation notifications are only available for Ethereum Mainnet and Sepolia Testnet.

The payload structure for pending-simulation notifications is the same as for confirmed notifications with the addition of the following object.

"simDetails": {
    "blockNumber": Number,
    "performanceProfile": {
      "breakdown": [
          "label": "detected",
          "timeStamp": String // UTC time of first detection of transaction
          "label": "traceStart",
          "timeStamp": String // UTC time of when transaction simulation started
          "label": "traceEnd",
          "timeStamp": String // UTC time of when transaction simulation completed
          "label": "dispatch",
          "timeStamp": String // UTC time of when notification sent
      "e2eMs": Number // end to end processing time in milliseconds


Direct send transaction

A direct send transaction is sending funds (ether) from one account to another. The hash is setup as a watched transaction and/or to address or the from addresses or both are setup as watched addresses.

  "system": "ethereum",
  "nonce": 1061,
  "id": "6f782dbf-248f-c46f-9a56-c53794f1",
  "network": "rinkeby",
  "from": "0x6f782dbf141c50e0b79b044b471fb8d76bcb7aed",
  "status": "pending",
  "blockHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "blockNumber": null,
  "gas": 21000,
  "gasPrice": "10000000000",
  "gasPriceGwei": 10,
  "hash": "0x7fb386cc248fc46f9a56c53794f1580b6c48f6e16e4c2c5ed5e7a533af2ac2cf",
  "input": "0x",
  "to": "0x87c382487b6f20926acf7076de1210845d62e7cc",
  "transactionIndex": 0,
  "value": "100000000000000000",
  "asset": "ETH",
  "direction": "outgoing",
  "counterparty": "0x87c382487b6f20926acf7076de1210845d62e7cc",
  "watchedAddress": "0x6f782dbf141c50e0b79b044b471fb8d76bcb7aed",
  "apiKey": "3462c0f0-471f-4b7d-84c3-50e0244a9403"

As a direct ETH transfer, this transaction has 0x for its input.

Contract call transaction

When watched transaction is a contract call, or a watched address makes a contract call, a similar transaction notification is generated where the to address is the contract.

  "system": "ethereum",
  "nonce": 1066,
  "id": "e08fc37a-db98-4954-be23-757719c7317c",
  "from": "0x6F782dBf141C50E0B79b044B471FB8D76Bcb7aeD",
  "network": "rinkeby",
  "status": "confirmed",
  "blockHash": "0xcef0fe0ce003662287777425181006e141ae517793e148e856076c6ae50c1023",
  "blockNumber": 4862011,
  "gas": 36402,
  "gasPrice": "1000000000",
  "gasPriceGwei": 1,
  "hash": "0x1ae540c5f8e4f50e951a3192d05cfd2da1028d4c7275455087de6dddd1139188",
  "input": "0x6c5c7a700000000000000000000000006921144ad2a2923ae11c5652feb3b0d9053d9152",
  "to": "0x9E7aE8c4D07670Df36FdB88c1b3Ae06dc4625fa0",
  "transactionIndex": 6,
  "value": "0",
  "asset": "ETH",
  "direction": "outgoing",
  "counterparty": "0x9E7aE8c4D07670Df36FdB88c1b3Ae06dc4625fa0",
  "watchedAddress": "0x6f782dbf141c50e0b79b044b471fb8d76bcb7aed",
  "apiKey": "15273e72873dba2cd065"

As a contract call, this transaction has a value for input. The value contains the contract method signature and and parameters to the method call.

If you would like to have your contract decoded (method and parameter names delivered in JSON message) please contact Blocknative at or on our Discord server with your contract address (for each supported network) and ABI.

Token transfer transaction

If the watched transaction is a ERC-20/ERC-721 transfer, or an ERC-20/ERC-721 token transfer or transferFromtransaction involves a watched address, the details of the transfer and token involved are included in the transaction notification.

    "system": "ethereum",
    "nonce": 67,
    "from": "0x87c382487b6f20926acf7076de1210845d62e7cc",
    "network": "rinkeby",
    "id": "87c38248-acd2-5d28-cc9a-b7e0eb72",
    "status": "pending",
    "blockHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "blockNumber": null,
    "gas": 54643,
    "gasPrice": "10000000000",
    "gasPriceGwei": 10,
    "hash": "0xb85704efacd25d28cc9ab7e0eb726a30ed4dd4607a5008d57eb69bc262db503f",
    "input": "0xa9059cbb0000000000000000000000006f782dbf141c50e0b79b044b471fb8d76bcb7aed0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004563918244f40000",
    "to": "0xaff4481d10270f50f203e0763e2597776068cbc5",
    "transactionIndex": 0,
    "value": "5000000000000000000",
    "asset": "WEENUS",
    "contractCall": {
        "contractType": "erc20",
        "contractAddress": "0xaff4481d10270f50f203e0763e2597776068cbc5",
        "methodName": "transfer",
        "params": {
            "_to": "0x6f782dbf141c50e0b79b044b471fb8d76bcb7aed",
            "_value": "5000000000000000000"
    "direction": "outgoing",
    "counterparty": "0x6f782dbf141c50e0b79b044b471fb8d76bcb7aed",
    "watchedAddress": "0x87c382487b6f20926acf7076de1210845d62e7cc",
    "apiKey": "15273e72873dba2cd065"

Supported Networks

Ethereum and EVM Compatible

Transaction Events (State Changes)

Get Started Today

Sign up for a free Blocknative Account at with your work email address.

If you have any questions, connect with the team on our discord

Last updated