Explorer - Getting Started

How to go hands-on with the Ethernow Explorer.

Live Mempool Feed

When you enter the Ethernow.xyz Explorer, you will access the live feed of transactions in the Ethereum mempool.

You will also see the following mempool data:

Historical Blocks Feed

On the left-hand panel, you will find a list of blocks. The most recent block proposed is at the top. You can scroll through this list to view historical blocks.

This shows you the block number, the number of transactions in the block and how long it has been proposed.

Live Transactions Feed

On the second left-hand panel, you will see a live feed of transactions entering the mempool and you can watch them go from pending to confirmed (or failed, replaced, dropped, etc).

Customizing Your View of the Live Mempool

You can customize your view of transactions entering the mempool in a few ways.

Block Summary

You can click on any on-chain block to see more details about its composition.

In the summary view you will find the following information:


Block hash

The hash of the block

Block Number

The block number

Finality Status

A finalized block can not be reverted without slashing at least 1/3 of all the validators stake. An unfinalized block can be considered safe (unlikely to be reverted) or unsafe (susceptible to reorgs) depending on how much time has passed. Usually 5 minutes.

Transactions count

The total number of transactions included


Number of blobs in the block.

Transaction Fees

Graph showing each transaction in the block and the total fees paid. These are color-coded - dark blue is private, and light blue is public.

Public VS Private ratio

Public transactions (detected in the mempool) versus private transactions (not detected in the mempool).


Timestamp detailing when the block was proposed.

Fee Recipient

Fee Recipient displaying the address that received fees from the transactions in this block.

Base Fee

Base Fee showing the minimum gasUsed multiplier required for a transaction to get included in the block. Expressed in Gwei.

Gas Used

Gas Used displaying the total gas that was used in the block.

Blob Base Fee Per Gas

The blob's base fee, denoted in Gwei.

Blob Gas Used

The total blob gas used by a blob.

Hovering over the Transaction Fees graph will give you each specific transaction's hash, effective gas price, and transaction index (position in block). Clicking on it will lead you to the specific transaction to see additional transaction details.

You can also click on the block to see which transactions were included in the block, in what order they were placed, their gas price and if they were private or not. Note: you can sort your view to only see Private Transactions, to learn more about this read here.

The To address will appear as a label if available. For example in the picture above, MEV Bot, Uniswap Universal Router and Maestro Router 2 are labelled for better human readability. To learn more about our labels, check the list here.

Transaction Details

You will find a Details tab and a JSON tab for all transactions.

Depending on the transaction, you may also see a Rollup tab, a Boost tab, or a Blob tab. More details on each tab below:

Viewing Transaction Details

In the block summary you can click into each transaction to understand further details. The summary view of each transaction includes:


Transaction Method Name

When known, the method name is shown. Otherwise, the 4-byte signature is shown.


The address that created the transaction.


The transaction destination.

Time in Mempool

The time that the transaction spent in the mempool.

Final Block

Block number of the block the transaction landed in.

Block Position

Position of the transaction in the block.


The transaction nonce.


The transactions entire journey in the mempool (cancel / confirmed / dropped / failed / pending / speedup / replaced).

Gas Used

Total gas used for the transaction

Base Fee Per Gas

The blob's base fee, denoted in Gwei.

Max Priority Fee Per Gas

The maximum value for a tip offered to the miner/validator per unit of gas.

Max Fee Per Gas

The blob's base fee, denoted in Gwei.

Gas Price

Effective gas price for the transaction (in Gwei)

Execution Base Fee

The base fee times the gas used.

Execution Priority Fee

The priority fee times the gas used.

Total Execution Fee

Sum of the execution base fee plus the execution priority fee.

Viewing Full JSON Payloads

You can view each transaction's full JSON payload by clicking the "JSON" tab for a specific transaction in Ethernow.

Viewing a Rollup

If the transaction was part of an Optimism or Base rollup a 'rollup' tab will appear.

Here you will see an overview that contains:

  • Parent Hash: Equal to the Optimism safe head block hash.

  • Timestamp: When the rollup batch was submitted to Ethereum.

  • Epoch Number: Ethereum block number used to anchor the state of the Optimism or Base rollup batch.

  • Total Transactions: Number of transactions included in the rollup batch.

You will also be able to see a list of transactions that were included in the batch. For each transaction you will see:

  • From Address: Initiating Ethereum address.

  • To Address: Receiving Ethereum address.

  • Value: Amount of ETH transferred.

  • Max Fee: The maximum value for the transaction fee (including basefee and tip) offered to the minor/validator per unit of gas.

  • Max Priority Fee: The maximum value for a tip offered to the miner/validator per unit of gas.

  • Nonce: Sequential number tied to every transaction made by the sender.

  • Method ID: 4-byte code derived from the hash of a function's signature in Ethereum smart contracts.

Example of an Optimism transaction rollup tab.

For more details please see the Optimism documentation.

Viewing Blob Details

If the transaction is a blob, a "Blobs" tab will appear in the transaction details view.

Here you will be able to see:


  • Number of Blobs: Each blob can contain 1 to 6 individual blobs.

  • Blob Space Used: Includes the total data used by the blob (KiB), the total possible data size of blob, which is the number of blobs multiplied by 128 (KiB) and the % utilization (total data used / total possible data size).


  • Blob Gas Used: The total blob gas used by a blob.

  • Gas Used as Calldata: The hypothetical gas used if blob data was calldata instead

  • Blob Base Fee Per Gas: The blob's base fee, denoted in Gwei.

  • Blob Max Fee Per Gas: The maximum fee a user is willing to pay per blob gas, denoted in Gwei.


  • Blob Fee: The blob base fee multiplied by the blob gas used, denoted in ETH

  • Execution Base Fee: The base fee times the gas used.

  • Execution Priority Fee: The priority fee times the gas used.

  • Total Fee: The blob fee plus the execution base fee plus the execution priority fee.

  • Total Fee As Calldata: The hypothetical total transaction cost as calldata.

Blobs (number)

  • Versioned Hash: The unique hash of each blob inside a blob transaction.

  • Commitment: The unique KZG commitment of each blob.

  • Size: The amount of data in a blob, denoted in KiB. Each blob can store up to 128 KiB of data.

For more information on blobs please read this blog post.

Viewing Transaction Boost Details

If the transaction was sent privately using the Transaction Boost RPC endpoint, a "Boost" tab will appear in the transaction details view. Here you will be able to see:

  • Final Builder: The builder that landed a block on-chain with the transaction in it.

  • Tx Forwarded To: All the OFAs and builders that the transaction was sent to and their receipt status.

  • Refund: If there was a refund this will show the amount, the receiving address, and the transaction hash.

Example of a boosted transaction.

This tab will only appear if the transaction was sent via the Transaction Boost RPC endpoint.

Transactions before block height 18193249 (2023-09-22 18:46:11 UTC) may not show mempool data or indicate if it is a private transaction. For historical mempool data please use the Mempool Data Archive.

Filter Panel

Filters are a powerful feature of Ethernow. You can find them on the right hand navigation panel by clicking either these buttons.

They allow you to customize your view of the mempool to only see transactions that are interesting to you. To learn more about what you can do with Filters, go here.

Labeled Addresses

Ethernow labels popular addresses and method signatures to make it easier to watch the mempool in real-time. Address labels are populated from WalletLabels and etherscan.io. Builder addresses are largely based on etherscan mev-builder labeling.

Viewing the Sepolia Testnet

To view the Transaction Explorer on the Sepolia tesnet toggle to "Sepolia" on the upper left hand header.


If you have any questions about Ethernow, join our discord.

Last updated